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Fall has finally arrived, weather has changed, but the Summer heat continues to hang on a few more days - - - November was another busy month for everyone - - - Fall sport activities, marching bands & parades, art & craft events, car shows and TONS of school stuff for all - - - - as well as WORK and HOME activities.
In November, I visited Big Sandy, Mount Pleasant, Pittsburg, Paris United, Texarkana International, Texarkana Oaklawn, Texarkana Sunrise, and Texarkana Wilbur Smith Rotary Clubs. The comradery, energy, openness and Rotarian Spirit of our District 5830 Rotary Clubs continues to amaze me - - - as I’ve said each month, we are so blessed by the Rotarians in District 5830!
November and Foundation Month is officially behind us but with all the needs present especially at Christmas time, we can never stray too far from our support of The Rotary Foundation.
To bring that home, December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month. Past Rotary International Director Floyd Lancia has just posted the Polio Headlines for November 27th, and they show an increase to 78 casesfrom 12 cases in all of 2023. The need for what we do has never been greater.
Without Rotarians like us combining our efforts to overtake and defeat dreaded diseases we should shudder to think of the outcome.
The District 5830 Legacy Campaign- "What's your Rotary Legacy?", is full steam ahead! There have been multiple club presentations and conversations regarding how you can leave a lasting legacy that will help make a difference. Rotarians all across 5830 are stepping forward and determining how they can make, either an outright gift or a bequest that will change lives of the most needy. I encourage every Rotarian, young and not so young, to ask yourself the question above and decide what your answer will be. Please remember to consider taking advantage of year end gifts that can be a tax benefit to you. We are fast approaching the halfway mark of reaching our goal of exceeding One Million Dollars in outright or committed gifts! A big, "Thank You'" to all who have already made the step to support our Legacy Campaign!
It is time for nominations of emerging leaders from our District for service as District Governor. The new DG Nominee Designate will serve as DG for the 2027-2028 Rotary Year. Our District 5830 needs talented and effective leaders for our District to continue to achieve our goals and grow in service to our communities and the world. I am asking each of you to take a serious look around your Club, your Area Clubs, and the District for potential candidates to nominate for this worthy office. You know what it takes to do this job well. Please consider who you might nominate. Once identified, contact those individuals and gauge their interest in serving. A nomination form and a list of the District Governor’s responsibilities and qualifications we emailed to all the Active District 5830 Rotarians.
Take part in this transformative, one-of-a-kind event and experience the Magic All Around at the 2025 Rotary International Convention in Calgary, Canada 21-25 June 2025.
Deadline for early registration is December 15, 2024.