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August was a busy, busy month for everyone - - - last minute vacation time before school starts, busy work activities and many, many Rotary opportunities to serve. A group of thirteen District 5830 Rotarians and friends traveled to on-going mission work in Guatemala to assist with health screens, review potential new projects and celebrate completion of new facilities provided by joint efforts of Domestic and International Rotary Clubs. PDG Carroll and Longview Rotarian Mary Greenwaldt led the group which included two physicians - - - a Dentist (Dr. Carter Hallmark from the Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake) and an Orthodontist (Dr. Mike Scott from the Rotary Club of Longview). Many “follow-up” presentations have already been requested by District 5830 Rotary Clubs to hear more about the awesome “service efforts”.
A few weeks back Ava and I attended the Cedar Creek Lake Celebrity Waiter Dinner during which a former RotaryExchange Student spoke. He had previously also attended RYLA and was completely connected to Rotary after that first experience and much more so later. He was quite erudite, but from his comments, was not always. Rotary gave him life changing opportunities and redirected his goals.
It is time for nominations of emerging leaders from our District for service as District Governor. The new DG Nominee Designate will serve as DG for the 2027-2028 Rotary Year. Our District 5830 needs talented and effective leaders for our District to continue to achieve our goals and grow in service to our communities and the world. I am asking each of you to take a serious look around your Club, your Area Clubs, and the District for potential candidates to nominate for this worthy office. You know what it takes to do this job well. Please consider who you might nominate. Once identified, contact those individuals and gauge their interest in serving. A nomination form and a list of the District Governor’s responsibilities and qualifications we emailed to all the Active District 5830 Rotarians.