Enjoy Rotary and have fun!  Practicing our 5th prong of the 4-Way Test, March was a wonderful Rotary experience bracketed by Lone Star President Elect Training (PETS) the end of February (23rd-25th) at the DFW Hyatt and the 5830 Local PETS in Mt. Pleasant on March 25th. Between these bookends in March we celebrated International Women’s Day and many clubs revisited the contributions of the first women invited into our fellowship.
In our District we are blessed to have a number of women Rotary leaders who have risen to prominence, and many have figured significantly within the Rotary Foundation. Mentioning just a few, District Administrator Shirley Pinnix-Evans, Past President of Texarkana Sunrise, has anchored our District 5830 since the retirement of Fran Hall (Rotary Club of Tyler) as District Administrator. PDG Shirley Griffin (Longview) has now raised over $750,000 for PolioPlus and looks forward to edging over $1,000,000 soon;  PDG Judy Guthrie continues to be present as a facilitator and trainer for those seeking leadership roles. DG Carolyn Franks is in the midst of a stellar year, and DGE Karen Maines is planning even more for next year. At our two training events mentioned above it was great to see more and more executive, professional and entrepreneurial women coming into Club and District leadership roles and to have the privilege of presenting new ideas to them.
Our Rotary Foundation also helps in this, in advancing world peace and understanding, goodwill, improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty, both locally, and in communities around the world all through our 7 areas of focus.
To accomplish this what we are looking for, are sustainable projects that maintain outcomes over the long term involving community leaders and including training and exchange of information to prepare communities to maintain results, and become their own problem solvers.
As you review possible club project grants for next Rotary year and wrap up reports due in May for grants this Rotary year remember the great examples set by Club and District Leaders on past projects.
Let’s be ready to face our new opportunities presented with fresh ideas and talent as we expand our new leadership.