It takes you! Last month DG Jeff Johnson quoted IPDG Karen Maines asking, “are we there yet”??    DG Jeff went on saying we can all agree that we are not “there yet”, but we are so much closer because of the leadership of Rotarians like you!  In numbers from your District 5830 Foundation Team here is what that looks like for DG Karen’s 2023-24 Year:

Annual Programs Fund        $210,030.00

Per Capita                                    $153.87

PolioPlus                                $71,211.00

Per Capita                                     $52.16

Disaster Relief /Other              $4,465.00

Endowment                              $1,000.00

Grand Total                          $286,706.00

And that deserves  a celebration!! And Great Thanks to you, District Rotarians!!

And it deserves Great Thanks to our leadership team including PDG Tom DeWitt for his leadership on the Matching Points Campaign that brought the total 2023-24 Match Campaign to $174,627.00.

That’s a job well done!!

Jack Welge
DRFC Chair 2022-25