To bring that home, December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month. Past Rotary International Director Floyd Lancia has just posted the Polio Headlines for November 27th, and they show an increase to 78 cases from 12 cases in all of 2023. The need for what we do has never been greater.
Without Rotarians like us combining our efforts to overtake and defeat dreaded diseases we should shudder to think of the outcome.
So, for Christmas make one of your gifts a timeless gift for a better world and support or increase your support to The Rotary Foundation. Just $87.50 per month will make you a member of the Paul Harris Society and give needed relief to those facing a life of disease and hunger. Other amounts will help also, and I would welcome your call.
Remember the Spirit of the Season and Bless Others. It is up to all of us.
PDG & District 5830 Foundation Chair Jack Welge