Remember the old song “Make new friends and keep the old?” June is Rotary Fellowship Month. What a great way to make new friends from around the world and get your “old” Rotary friends to join you. There are fellowships for just about any interest you can imagine. I personally belong to the International Rotary Fellowship of Musicians and the Rotary Wine Appreciation Fellowship. I know we have members who are part of the International Fellowship of Flying Rotarians. Go to www.rotary.org/fellowships for more information. This would make a great club program!
As I come to the end of my year as District Governor and reflect back on the year, I can’t believe what a great ride it has been! Every club has been so gracious and welcoming. I have learned about so many wonderful service projects and fundraisers. The best part Is the new friendships I have made and will continue to enjoy through the years to come! Thank you District 5830 clubs for all you do for your communities, the nation and the world!
Thank you to the district leadership team for your support and knowledge. Each time I have called on one of you, you had the answer I needed or volunteered to help with whatever I asked you to do. As everyone surely knows, I couldn’t have done this year without our District Administrator, Shirley Pinnix-Evans! Thank you, Shirley, for all the hours you put in to keep us running, and thank you and Ron especially for your friendship!
I am proud to be a member of the Pittsburg, Texas Rotary Club and appreciate all of their support during my governor year.
Congratulations, DGE Karen! I know you will have a great year and a fantastic team to “Create Hope in the World!”
DG Carolyn Franks