Hold on to Your Hats!
The 2023-2024 Rotary year has begun and we have started our District Governor visits. In July, I visited the South Tyler Rotary Club, Atlanta Area Rotary Club, Jacksonville Rotary Club, and Rotary Club of Longview. To say, “I’m impressed” is just not good enough - - - each of the visited clubs are very unique and vary in size from small to large (by our District numbers). At each of the club visits, the club “board of directors” met with me before the club assemblies and provided updates on goals, accomplishments, fundraising plans, and progress on “club visioning”. I look forward to the remaining 37 visits that have been scheduled for the remaining months of 2024.
My ending Slide with each club visit is a personal challenge:
1. Expand Rotary locally and internationally
2. Increase your Service to Others
3. Leave a Lasting Legacy
Start where you are!
Use what you have!
Do what you can!
Over the past months, Shirley and I have worked with PDG Karen Maines, DGE Damon Donnell, DGN Diane Kavanaugh, and PDG Ted Huffhines to establish tentative dates for 2024-2025 District 5830 events. The following dates are still a “work in progress” but we are trying to reserve time and space in advance to enable maximize participation:
Monthly Newsletters 
Council of Governors Meeting 8/24/24  - - Planning on a ZOOM meeting
Foundation Banquet 10/26/24 - - PROBABLY a Tyler location - - TBD
Council of Governors Meeting Plus Interviewing for the District Governor Nominee
Designate 1/18/2025 In person Longview --TBD 
District Conference --2/1/25  - - PROBABLY a Longview location - - TBD
Guadalajara Trip --2/15 thru 2/21
Lone Star PETS 2/27/25 thru 3/2/25 - - DFW Hyatt
Local PETS  4/5/25 - - probably Mt Pleasant Country Club
Rotary 4-Way Speech Contest April ? ? - - Mt Pleasant Admin
Million Dollar / Legacy Dinner Event 4/26/25 - - ? ? Tyler, Mayfair Complex or ? ? ?  
District Training 5/17/25 - - Mineola Convention Center
District Officer Installation --June 2025 - - TBD
Rotary International Convention June 21-25 in Calgary Canada 
It is never to early to make plans and REGISTER for the Rotary International Convention which will be in Calgary, Canada June 21-25, 2025. If you’ve never been
to a Rotary International Convention, the 2025 Canada event would be a great time to expand your horizon and see how Rotarians from around the world SERVE SERVE SERVE! Click here for more information 

Thanks for allowing me to SERVE as your DG for 2024-2025
Jeff W Johnston