Congratulations to Silfida D. Gomez-Coleman, 2021-2023 Past President of the Texarkana International Rotary Club, who has been selected by the District 5830 Nominating Committee as District Governor Nominee Designate.  She has been selected to serve as D-5830 District Governor during the 2027-2028 Rotary Year.
Sil joined Texarkana International Rotary Club in 2018 and served as Club President (two terms) 2019-2023. Sil also served as Club Secretary 2019-2021. During her term as Club President, Texarkana International Rotary Club received the D-5830 Bill Campbell Award of Excellence for the 2022-2023 Rotary Year.
Experience: Language Skills – Fluent in English and Spanish

October 2017 – Present – Executive Officer, Red River Army Depot. Serves as Executive Officer for the Commander of Red River Army Depot and senior member of the Command and Staff.

November 2017 – Present – Award Winning Published Author, Speaker, Motivational Coach.  Writes under the pen name of D. C. Gomez in multiple genres, ranging from Urban Fantasy, devotional to even children’s books.

April 2014-October 2017 – Supervisory Workforce Management Specialist, Manpower analysis and Training Division, Red River Army Depot.

March 2009 – April 2014 – Workforce Management Specialist, Red River Army Depot. Served as the lead for RRAD’s Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Office and responsible for the workforce development at RRAD.

September 2006-March 2009 – Human Resource Specialist

July 2001-July 2005 – Sergeant – U.S. Army- Served as the squad leader for a maintenance support team, both during peace time as well for a year during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Supervised a team of 11 enlisted soldiers and 3 Noncommissioned officers. Provided technical guidance and administrative support to the section.