The author of The Power of Regret, Daniel H. Pink, succinctly describes the work. “[It] will prompt you to rethink your worship of efficiency, reject the cult of busyness, and reconfigure your life around what matters.”
Reconfiguring our lives around what matters as Rotarians is a great thought as we move to a new year and analyze both our personal Visioning and that of our clubs from the past year. We all did Visioning, right?
The danger of not Visioning is the drive to get more done can become an excuse to avoid planning what we actually wanted to accomplish and we then finish the year less successful than intended.
We have events planned that can greatly enhance success for you and your club: LoneStar PETS and the Legacy Dinner.
And, of course the Foundation Dinner in Tyler and registration will be opened soon on the ClubRunner website.
Going in reverse, attending the Foundation Dinner can give you examples of successful ideas carried through to conclusions by our 5830 clubs this past year. LoneStar PETS is one of the finest training grounds available for officers to assume their roles in Rotary, and the Legacy Dinner quite simply makes certain that what you experience in Rotary will live on for others to experience also.
Back to the beginning discussing Four Thousand Weeks, Rotary is a way to make the weeks count and for you to know you made a difference.
How well have we taken care of that which we hold dear making sure that it carries forward to forthcoming generations?
Have a Happy and Productive New Year!
Jack Welge
DRFC Chair 2022-25,
District Governor 2020-21
Rotary International District 5830/South Central Americas’ Chair IFFR
P. O. Box 5906
Longview, Texas 75608-5906
Cell 512.773.5163