Strengthening Your Club’s Public Image & Leadership: Let’s Connect!

Strengthening Your Club’s Public Image & Leadership: Let’s Connect!
IPDG Karen Maines - Foundation Dinner Summary![]() |
DG Jeff Johnston's February 2025 Newsletter![]() January 2025 came as a blur! Taking down all the Christmas and New Years’ stuff, putting away gifts, returning to “normal” - - at least for those of us that put off all the packing and stacking until after January 1. How many New Year Resolutions did you make? How many are still in progress thirty-one days later? We all have great intentions and SOME of YOU are great at following through! Congrats on any and all progress!
Congratulation to PDG John Jetter |
February 2025 is Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution Month |
January 2025 Foundation Newsletter![]() The author of The Power of Regret, Daniel H. Pink, succinctly describes the work. “[It] will prompt you to rethink your worship of efficiency, reject the cult of busyness, and reconfigure your life around what matters.” Reconfiguring our lives around what matters as Rotarians is a great thought as we move to a new year and analyze both our personal Visioning and that of our clubs from the past year. We all did Visioning, right? |
Congratulations to Silfida (Sil) D. Gomez-Coleman District Governor Nominee Designate![]() |
DG Jeff Johnston January 2025 Newsletter![]() December 2024 brought LOTS of RAIN to D5830, but no snow flakes! Thankfully, we didn’t have the flooding and storm damage that we suffered last year - - - December was probably the BUSIEST month in 2024 - - - at least for me as DG - - - after a busy Thanksgiving, we pushed through all the planning, buying, decorating and experiences of the Christmas season - - - has everyone “packed up” the decorations yet? ? WE haven’t at our house, but will add those tasks to the growing year end 2024 stuff to complete.
January 2025 Monthly Theme is Vocational Service |
Legacy Campaign![]() |
December 2024 Foundation Newsletter![]() To bring that home, December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month. Past Rotary International Director Floyd Lancia has just posted the Polio Headlines for November 27th, and they show an increase to 78 cases from 12 cases in all of 2023. The need for what we do has never been greater. Without Rotarians like us combining our efforts to overtake and defeat dreaded diseases we should shudder to think of the outcome. |
DG Jeff Johnston December 2024 Newsletter![]() In November, I visited Big Sandy, Mount Pleasant, Pittsburg, Paris United, Texarkana International, Texarkana Oaklawn, Texarkana Sunrise, and Texarkana Wilbur Smith Rotary Clubs. The comradery, energy, openness and Rotarian Spirit of our District 5830 Rotary Clubs continues to amaze me - - - as I’ve said each month, we are so blessed by the Rotarians in District 5830! |
15 December — Last day for early registration discount for the Rotary International ConventionTake part in this transformative, one-of-a-kind event and experience the Magic All Around at the 2025 Rotary International Convention in Calgary, Canada 21-25 June 2025. Deadline for early registration is December 15, 2024. |
Disease Prevention and Treatment Month |
November 2024 Foundation Newsletter
November is Rotary Foundation Month, and it gives us a wonderful opportunity to focus our attention on the many great things our Rotary Foundation assists us in doing to make our world better, not only for our communities, but also for those across the world impacting people we may never meet. |
DG Jeff' Johnston's November 2024 Newsletter![]() Apparently ALL the months are busy - - - October was another busy, busy month for everyone - - - more sport activities, marching bands & amp; parades, and TONS of school stuff for all - - - - as well as WORK and HOME activities. In October, I visited Wills Point, Jefferson, Marshall, Gladewater, Kilgore and Canton Rotary Clubs. The comradery, energy, openness and Rotarian Spirit of our District 5830 Rotary Clubs continues to amaze me - - - we are so so blessed by the Rotarians in District 5830! All the clubs have worked hard to elect club officers, establish 2024-2025 goals, plan fund raising projects, and welcome me with wide open arms! Many thanks to all the visited clubs - - - - with 27 visits completed, I have only 14 more visits planned for the “initial round” of DG visits for 2024-2025. |
November is Rotary Foundation Month
Since it was founded more than 100 years ago, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects. With your help, we can make lives better in your community and around the world. Click here for more information |
CELEBRATE OCTOBER 24th!![]() Our recent birthday celebration of the dedication of PDG Shirley Griffin to ending Polio was a superb success resulting in the ability to vaccinate 75,000 more children against this dreaded disease. We wish all could have celebrated at PDG Shirley’s birthday party, but the importance of saying thanks can not be ignored when the latest report from past RI Director Floyd Lancia shows the latest Polio Case Count has reached forty (40), with 21 from Pakistan and 19 from Afghanistan. That is up from six (6) in 2021, and seven (7) in 2023. |
DG Jeff Johnston October 2024 Newsletter![]() September was another busy, busy month for everyone - - - sport activities, marching bands, and TONS of school stuff for all - - - - as well as WORK and HOME activities. In September, I visited Carthage, Cedar Creek Lake, Mineola, Leaders in Service, Sulphur Springs and Clarksville Rotary Clubs. I continue to be amazed at the comradery, energy, openness and Rotarian Spirit of our District 5830 Rotary Clubs! All the clubs that I have visited have worked hard to elect club officers, establish 2024-2025 goals, plan fund raising projects, and welcome me with wide open arms! Many thanks to all the visited clubs - - - with 20 visits completed, I am essentially half way through the planned “initial round” of DG visits for 2024-2025. |
October is Community Economic and Development Month |
2024 Foundation Dinner, Saturday, October 26, 2024![]() |
DG Jeff Johnston September 2024 Newsletter![]() |
December 7, 2024: Deadline for signed nomination for DG Nominee DesignateIt is time for nominations of emerging leaders from our District for service as District Governor. The new DG Nominee Designate will serve as DG for the 2027-2028 Rotary Year. Our District 5830 needs talented and effective leaders for our District to continue to achieve our goals and grow in service to our communities and the world. I am asking each of you to take a serious look around your Club, your Area Clubs, and the District for potential candidates to nominate for this worthy office. You know what it takes to do this job well. Please consider who you might nominate. Once identified, contact those individuals and gauge their interest in serving. A nomination form and a list of the District Governor’s responsibilities and qualifications we emailed to all the Active District 5830 Rotarians. |
September 2024 Foundation Newsletter![]() |
September 2024 is Basic Education and Literacy Month |
August 2024 Membership Minute![]() |
Club Visioning Invitation![]() “If you don’t know where you are going, chances are you will end up someplace else.” Yogi Berra, American Baseball Professional |
CONGRATULATIONS—YOU DID IT-- LET’S CELEBRATE!![]() District 5830 Rotarians, you surpassed the $150 per capita goal to The Rotary Foundation Annual Fund in 2023-24, AND you passed the $50 per capita PolioPlus goal toward eradicating polio! |
August 2024 Foundation Newsletter
DG Jeff Johnston August 2024 Newsletter![]() The 2023-2024 Rotary year has begun and we have started our District Governor visits. In July, I visited the South Tyler Rotary Club, Atlanta Area Rotary Club, Jacksonville Rotary Club, and Rotary Club of Longview. To say, “I’m impressed” is just not good enough - - - each of the visited clubs are very unique and vary in size from small to large (by our District numbers). At each of the club visits, the club “board of directors” met with me before the club assemblies and provided updates on goals, accomplishments, fundraising plans, and progress on “club visioning”. I look forward to the remaining 37 visits that have been scheduled for the remaining months of 2024. |
Texarkana International Rotary Club Community Service Vehicle![]() |
August 2024 is Membership and New Club Development Month |
July 2024 Foundation Newsletter
Your 2024-25 Club Project Grant proposals are in and approved and the closing reports from last year are awaiting Rotary Foundation final review. Thanks go to PDG John Jetter for his dedication to The Rotary Foundation. |
DG Jeff Johnston July 2024 Newsletter![]() |
July 2024 is Maternal and Child Health Month
To get more information and read news about Rotary's work to promote maternal and child health, click HERE
IPDG Karen Maines' Thank You Letter![]() |
NEW!! Public Image Club Citation Award for 2024-2025![]() |
June 2024 Foundation Newsletter
We are at year end. It has been a pleasure serving you, but we have much more to do! Your CPG Ending Grant Reports are due. (They were due on June 1st.) We still have one or two out so please check and help get these in to today! New CPG Rotary Grants are also now due. (They were due on June 1st.) If your Club wants to use the Funds they contributed to District Designated Funds (“DDF”) through the Annual Fund now is past the time to fill out the CPG Forms and send them to To see what you are giving up check |
DG Karen Maines June 2024 Newsletter![]() |
June is Rotary Fellowships Month![]() |
June 2024 Public Image Newsletter by Tiffany Damskov![]() |
Register Now: Preparing for the New Rotary Year (Public Image and Branding Training) |
May 2024 Foundation Newsletter![]() Were you there? All of us are aware of difficulties that can be encountered in traveling to district events, but it truly is important to support your leaders and their efforts to show Rotary beyond the Weekly Club level. |
DG Karen Maines May 2024 Newsletter![]() weekend at the HOPE IN THE HEARTLAND District Conference in Durant, Oklahoma. It all began Friday night at a Fish Fry dinner/reception/party; continued Saturday morning and afternoon with amazing speakers; we celebrated our Foundation accomplishments Saturday evening; and wrapped up Sunday morning with a Remembrance Ceremony and farewell presentations. Wow! ![]() CONGRATULATIONS PDG JUDY GUTHRIE for receiving the Citation For Meritorious Service Award!
Register Now for the District Training Assembly2024-2025 District 5830 Training Assembly Mineola Civic Center May 18, 2024 Time: 8:45 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Sessions are designed by Tracks Track 1 - Presidents & Foundation Committee chairs & members. Track 2 - Secretaries, Treasurers & Finance Committee chairs & members. Track 3 - Membership & Public Image Committee chairs & members. Track 4 - New & Existing members. |
The District-Wide Community Service Project Weekend begins May 4, 2024!![]() ![]() The District-Wide Community Service Project is this weekend! 1. Each participating District 5830 Rotary Club can determine the place and time of service. If you cannot participate this weekend, you may select a different day, as long as photos and reports are submitted by May 16th.
2. Clubs should document their service project through photos, videos, and written reports and post them on social media. Send reports to by May 16th. |
May is Youth Service Month![]() Rotary’s youth programs, Interact, RYLA, and Rotary Youth Exchange, introduce young people to service and develop leadership skills.
DG Karen Maines April 2024 Newsletter![]() the upcoming Championship game. Just to make it to the final 16 teams is apparently a big deal and something those teams should be proud of and celebrate. Our District 5830 Rotary club teams are in our own “Sweet Sixteen”, and I hope each one is proud of what you’ve accomplished this “season”. |
April 2024 Foundation Newsletter![]() Will you make a difference? Are you a volunteer for your Club’s projects that aid the environment? Thinking about that Theme for a moment, if you are going to help as a Rotarian making a difference in preserving and improving the Environment, why would you not want to use the Rotary Foundation? |
April 2024 is Environmental Month |
March 2024 Foundation Newsletter![]() The Rotary Theme for March is Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. Thinking about that Theme for a moment, if you are going to help as Rotarian making a difference in the lives of others, why would you not want to use the Rotary Foundation? |
DG Karen Maines' March 2024 Newsletter![]() But “Why?” you say… “Why do the Rangers need to train? They’re the World Champions, right?” |
March 2024 is Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Month |
Embracing Connection: The Power of Sharing Rotary Experiences![]() District 5830 Public Image Chair In a world that has become increasingly digitized and virtual, the importance of in-person interactions cannot be overstated. It is crucial to recognize the significance of connecting with our colleagues, friends, and potential new members. |
Multi District Conference April 26 - April 28, 2024 in Durant, OK.![]() Have you registered for the "Hope in the Heartland" Joint District Conference with Districts 5750, 5770 & 5830 on April 26 - April 28, 2024? Friday night is optional with live music, fish fry, table games, and lots of visiting with old friends and making new friends. By registering now, it gives the conference committee a better idea of how to plan a successful conference. There is lots of free time for you to explore Durant, Ok.
DG Karen Maines February 2024 Newsletter![]() |
February is Rotary’s Peace Building and Conflict Resolution Month |
February 2023 Foundation Newsletter
Thinking about that Theme for a moment, the real question is will our presence in Rotary make a difference?R I President Richard L . Evans (1966-67) put it this way. “It sometimes seems that we live as if we wondered when life was going to begin. It isn’t always clear just what we are waiting for but some of us sometimes persist in waiting so long that life just slips by finding us still waiting for something that has been going on all the time. There is no reason to doubt good intentions, but when in the world are we going to begin to live as if we understood that this is it. |
January 2024 Foundation Newsletter
We need your help! The Holidays have passed and we are back to business. What you can do that makes the most difference now is to ask for reports from your Club Foundation Chair and Committee and make certain your President Elect and President Nominee register for and attend Lone Star PETS and/or our 5830 local PETS in Mount Pleasant. |
DG Karen Maines' January 2024 Newsletter![]() |
January 2024 is Vocational Service Month |
5830 December Foundation Newsletter
It is a pleasure to serve 5830, DG Karen Maines and each of your Clubs. After 6 months have passed, our focus should now be on what has been accomplished with our CPG grants thus far in this Rotary Year and what has been collected for The Rotary Foundation to ensure a continuing source of funds for Grants 3 years from now. |
Honoring PDG Wayne Arnold![]() |
DG Karen Maines' December Newsletter![]() |
December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month |
November 5830 Foundation Newsletter
Our fun with family and friends over the Holidays also needs to consider the good that gifts made to the Rotary Foundation can accomplish. Our active involvement of our time, talent, and treasure through the help of the Rotary Foundation truly changes lives. Jack Welge PDG & D-5830 Foundation Chairman |
November is Rotary Foundation Month |
RYLA Sponsorship Deadline is November 29, 2023It is that time again to reserve your student's place at this very important leadership training. Staff Training: Jan 26-28; Session 1: Feb 9-11; Session 2: Feb 23-25 |
DG Karen Maines' November 2023 Newsletter![]() Change can be scary, or make us uncomfortable. Maybe it’s the uncertainty of change, the not knowing what is to be. Remember the changes after 9/11, or since Covid. Of course, change is inevitable, and in fact, necessary. We can’t stay unchanged. Imagine always being 6 years old. Forever. Think of the things you’d never experience. |
2022-23 District Conference ResultsRecord number of clubs received the Rotarians Citation Awards, Congratulations to all who received well-deserved awards. |
DG Karen Maines October 2023 Newsletter![]() “The cinemas and swimming pools were the first buildings to shut down. Then, the bars. People were asked to social distance and to stay safe. Preventive measures were imposed to arrest the outbreak of a virus without a cure as the cases swelled rapidly across the United States.
District Conference Hosted by Athens Rotary Club![]() |
October Foundation Newsletter![]() |
Community Economic and Development Month |
DGND Diane Kavanaugh![]() |
September Foundation Newsletter![]() |
DG Karen Maines' September Newsletter![]() the rounds as District Governor is to CELEBRATE our clubs and their many and varied accomplishments. Rotary is Creating Hope in East Texas through these hard-working club members and their partners in their communities. Go, Team, go! |
September Public Image Newsletter![]() One of the major improvements we've noticed is a surge in engagement on social media platforms. |
September is Basic Education and Literacy Month![]() |
DGND Diane Kavanaugh![]() Congratulations to Diane Kavanaugh, 2020-2021 Past President of the South Tyler Rotary Club, who has been selected by the District 5830 Nominating Committee as District Governor Nominee Designate. She has been selected to serve during the 2026-2027 Rotary Year. Pursuant to the District’s Bylaws, specifically Article II – District 5830 Committees, the Nomination of Diane Kavanaugh will be held until September 30th to permit any challenges or re-nominations and will thereafter become final at midnight on September 30, 2023. |
DG Karen Maines August 2023 Newsletter![]() |
August 2023 Foundation Newsletter![]() As each of you guide your clubs this year remember good planning and execution yields great results. That is especially true in Rotary Foundation giving. |
Membership Minute - August 2023![]() We are already one month into the Rotary New Year. I don't think it's an accident that this month's theme is Membership & New Club Development! As Rotarians we should focus on membership early in the year, and often throughout the year. Membership Growth and Retention are what will help drive everything we do! |
Last call for DGND Application - Deadline August 10th.Last call for DGND applications for DG Nominee Designate who will serve as DG for the 2026-2027 Rotary Year. Our District |
August is Membership and New Club Development Month |
July 2023 - Foundation Newsletter![]() |
July 2023 - Membership Minute![]() |
DG Karen Maines July 2023 Newsletter![]() I’m thrilled to be serving District 5830 as Governor for the next 12 months, and I’m looking forward to visiting the clubs and meeting as many 5830 members as I can. |
District 5830 Public Image Chair![]() |
District 5830 Youth Exchange Chair![]() |
July is New Leadership Month![]() Being a Rotary leader provides further experience in learning how to motivate, inspire, and guide others.
Memorial Service for PDG and Rev. Bill Hedges![]() |
June 2023 Membership MinutePassing the Torch - PDG Lee Montgomery, June 2018-June 2023 D-5830 Membership Chair ![]() ![]() Some of our members may have served in the Armed Forces of the United States. To them and all connected to any military service, I want to THANK YOU for YOUR SERVICE, as we recently membered Memorial Day. One of the traditions of many service organizations was the “Hail and Farewell” where new folks were heartily greeted and departing members were bid a fond farewell. As outgoing Membership Chair for the District, I want to say a hearty WELCOME to your new DISTRICT MEMBERSHIP CHAIR LANDON FORBES. |
Register Now for the 2023-2024 District Officers Luncheon![]() The program begins at 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Click here for more details about the event and to register. DGE Karen Maines 2023-2024 District Governor
June 2023 is Rotary Fellowship Month |
June 2023 Foundation Newsletter![]() Celebrating life as a Rotarian you truly owe it to yourself to attend one or more R I Conventions to completely immerse yourself in the Rotary Universe. Besides developing new ideas for service, your presence can inspire others to further embrace the service they can provide with you as a mentor. |
District 5830 4-Way Test Contest Winners![]() From left to right are with winners with the sponsoring Rotary Club: 3rd Place Seth Clark-Mt. Pleasant RC, 1st Place Daryn Merriman- Hugo RC, and 2nd Place Jack Bergfield-South Tyler RC. The students speech topic was, “Imagine a world where everyone followed the Four Way Test”
DG Carolyn Franks' June 2023 Newsletter![]() Remember the old song “Make new friends and keep the old?” June is Rotary Fellowship Month. What a great way to make new friends from around the world and get your “old” Rotary friends to join you. There are fellowships for just about any interest you can imagine. I personally belong to the International Rotary Fellowship of Musicians and the Rotary Wine Appreciation Fellowship. I know we have members who are part of the International Fellowship of Flying Rotarians. Go to for more information. This would make a great club program! |
Membership Minute May 2023![]() Our District Training Assembly will be LUCK-Y for incoming club officers and members. Zig Ziglar said that LUCK is LABORING UNDER CORRECT KNOWLEDGE. Well, register now for the DTA so you get the knowledge needed for a successful Rotary Year 2023-24. Sign up for TRACK 3: MEMBERSHIP AND PUBLIC IMAGE.
Register now for District Training Assembly |
May 2023 is Youth Service Month
May 2023 Foundation Newsletter![]() We are now in the fourth quarter or homestretch for our 2022-23 year and we want to shine! In our District there are currently ten (10) non-giving Clubs. That has reduced our per capita giving to the Foundation Annual Fund to ½ of last year. |
DG Carolyn Franks' May 2023 Newsletter![]() |
PDG Bill Hedges Reception![]() |
International Projects![]() |
April 2023 Membership Newsletter![]() |
April is Environment Month
We are committed to supporting activities that strengthen the conservation and protection of natural resources, advance ecological sustainability, and foster harmony between communities and the environment. |
Longview PRCA Rodeo - A Project Showcase
The Longview PRCA Rodeo (Rodeo) began as a cooperative effort between a local radio station, KYKX 105.7 and Andrews Rodeo Company. In 1997 the radio station was sold to a new investment group and could no longer produce the rodeo. Sammy Andrews approached the Longview (Greggton) Rotary Club of Longview, Texas, Inc. (Greggton Rotary) to take over the production of the Rodeo. |
April is Maternal and Child Health![]() |
DG Carolyn Franks' April Newsletter![]()
Rotary members are tackling environmental issues the way they always do: coming up with projects, using their connections to change policy and planning for the future. |
April 2023 Foundation Newsletter![]() |
Opportunity To Help Children In Northern Guatemala!![]() |
March 2023 Foundation Newsletter![]() |
March 2023 Membership Newsletter![]() |
March is Water and Sanitation Month![]() |
DG Carolyn Franks' March 2023 Newsletter![]() |
February is Peacebuilding & Conflict Prevention Month![]() |
February Rotary Foundation Newsletter
Come celebrate with us February 4th in Longview on what we as Rotarians do locally and globally, changing lives, impacting the unborn, and making our world a more loving, peaceful, and safer place for all. |
February Membership Minute
DG Carolyn Franks' February 2023 Newsletter![]() |
Idabel Rotary Receives Foundation Grant![]() Texas and SE Oklahoma. ![]() ![]() |
Fresh Out of Fundraising Ideas?Looking for some new fundraising ideas? Click here to see a 5 page list of ideas!!
January 2023 Foundation Article![]() Happy New Year! As we close out 2022 and begin 2023, we are only halfway through our Rotary Year. It’s easy to become distracted after a great beginning, but your focus and intentionality is needed for a great finish. After all we still have our District Rotary 2 for 1 Match Paul Harris Campaign, Rotary International Assembly that DGE Karen Maines will be attending, our Foundation Banquet, and Lone Star PETS all happening within just over a month. Registration in open for the D-5830 Foundation Banquet on February 4th . Click here to register and "Read more" for the basic details. |
Membership Minute January 2023 Newsletter![]() Do football teams play without a goal lines or goal posts? Do they take the field without a game plan? Do they remove the yard lines or send the “chain gang” home? Then why do Rotary clubs try to maintain or grow membership without goals, plans or measure their progress?? |
DG Carolyn Franks' January 2023 Newsletter![]() This is the month we focus on Vocational Service. This is the contribution of your vocational talents to solving the problems of society and meeting the needs of the community. |
December is disease prevention and treatment month![]() |
DG Carolyn Franks' December 2022 Newsletter![]() December is the month we focus on disease prevention and treatment. Of course, Rotary is most known for our efforts to eradicate polio. Our district is pushing hard to raise more money and awareness by holding World Polio Day events and fundraisers and by becoming members of the PolioPlus Society. If you have not yet made this commitment of $100 a year until the World Health Organization declares this disease eradicated, please consider this now! |
Paul Harris Matching Points Campaign
2021-2022 District 5830 Conference![]() |
Meet Kathryn Montgomery![]() |
November is The Rotary Foundation Month![]() For as little as 60 cents, a child can be protected from polio. $50 can provide clean water to help fight waterborne illness. $500 can launch an antibullying campaign and create a safe environment for children |
DG Carolyn Franks' November Newsletter![]() |
Observations from 4 months as your DRFC![]() Coming into this position after all (or most of all) the Final Reports from last year’s District Grant Projects were received from 5830 Clubs required our team to scramble a bit as some reports were not signed, a few had information left off the final reports, and some had unused funds not yet returned to the District.
October is Economic and Development MonthRotary International members and our foundation work to strengthen local entrepreneurs and community leaders, particularly women, in impoverished communities. We provide training and access to well-paying jobs and financial management institutions. |
October 2022 Foundation NewsletterHow recen How about with money you invested with The Rotary Foundation? We were all asked to join Rotary, but has anyone asked you to give to The Rotary Foundation? If not, please consider this your call to action. Many of us are accustomed to the terms time, talent, and treasure, and they reinforce and summarize the intentional acts required to support what we love and that in which we believe. |
October 2022 Membership MinuteGreetings from Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the Zones 30 & 31 Governor training and Zone Institute!!! ![]() One of the guests was our District’s Membership coordinator at Rotary International, Haris Sofradzija. He shared some updates on your club using Rotary Membership Leads. When any person interested in learning more about Rotary goes to and fills in an inquiry, they become a Rotary Lead. The lead, including their profile, is sent to the District to dissemination to the club officers, assistant governors and district leadership, so we can reach out to the person to give them more information about the club and, most importantly, come visit.
DG Carolyn Franks' October 2022 Newsletter![]() As I travel to my club visits, I am delighted by the club activities focused not only locally but in communities all over the world. Even the smallest clubs are making a big difference. Thank you! |
Youth Exchange Program![]() |
September Membership Minute![]() First: A word about GROWTH: Think about the Rotary theme for September and ask potential members to visit your club that are involved in literacy and basic education. In many of our District towns, the school district is the major employer. How many teachers, aides, librarians. Sunday school teachers and parents would be excited to support the causes of literacy and education? IMAGINE the potential candidates for membership!! Second: A word about RETENTION: There is no need to improve on what our RI President Jennifer Jones says, so read or reread her wisdom here: Putting members first |
Deadline to Register is October 1, 2022 for the 2021-2022 District Conference on Oct. 7 & 8th, 2022Come to the 2021-2022 District 5830 Conference and have fun, celebrate your successful Rotary Year, plus Explore the Museum of the Red River. Click here to learn more. ![]() You do not want to miss all that Idabel, Okahoma has to offer plus visit with old friends and make new Rotary friends. Click Here to Register All, our district conference is fast approaching. Highlights include a wine and cheese social on Friday evening and then a pick and choose slate of events on Saturday morning followed by our typical luncheon at noon. Our planned time to adjourn is Saturday at 2:15.
September Foundation Newsletter
Our available funding for Club Project Grants this year is $53,637. That’s up from $49,214 last year and it is all due to our generous and can do attitude in supporting The Rotary Foundation and its programs. Tom DeWitt is fond of reminding all of us that the path to ensure the availability of these funds is the Paul Harris Society and all of us can join for less than $3 per day. |
Damon Donnell DGND 2025-2026![]() Damon joined the Rotary Club of Athens, Texas, in March 2013 by the nomination of late 173rd District Judge, Hon. Jack Holland. Damon is the immediate past 94th president of the Athens Rotary Club and most recently serves as the District 5830 Disaster Recovery Planning Chairman. |
DG Carolyn Franks' September Newsletter![]() For everyone, everywhere, literacy is, along with education in general, a basic human right.” This quote from Kofi Annan speaks to Rotary International’s September theme of basic education and literacy. I am very proud of District 5830’s participation in education and literacy. Every one of our clubs in some way work with their local schools in the 3rd grade dictionary donations, scholarships, backpack giveaways and many other donations to our children. Our district also joins with other districts and Rotary International to improve conditions in our global communities so children there can have a safe and sanitary place to learn. |
September is Basic Education and Literacy Month![]() More than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate. That’s 17 percent of the world’s adult population. Our goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy. We support education for all children and literacy for children and adults. |
Rotary Membership Minute![]() “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams It’s been said many times that Rotarians are leaders, and I believe it. As leaders, let’s recognize August as Rotary Membership month and lead others to Rotary so they can dream more, learn more, do more and become more! |
August is Membership & New Club Development Month![]() |
Ingrid Self " Rotarian In Action"![]() Ingrid Self is such a leader! When asked by PDG Ted Huffhines to assist on the District Foundation Committee, she quietly and expertly stepped into the role and served as a grant writer and sometimes grant creator for our District Rotary Foundation Grants.
DG Carolyn Franks' August Newsletter![]() Attract: Think about visiting new businesses, new neighbors and friends. You have to ask! Create a welcoming culture for all to know they are valued. Engage: Ask them what committees or projects interest them. Retain: Remember that if you want responsible Rotarians, you give them responsibilities!
August International Service Newsletter![]() |
District 5830 Membership Minute![]() Don’t forget to check out the MEMBER tab in MY ROTARY at ROTARY.ORG for resources, ideas and more materials. |
D-5830 Rotary Foundation Giving![]() |
Zones 30 & 31 Virtual Summer Leadership Sessions Recordings AvailableDid you miss the Zone 30 & 31 Virtual Summer Leadership Sessions? Click Here to listen to recorded sessions
July is New Leadership Month![]() "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often" Winston Churchill |
DG Carolyn Franks Newsletter![]() |
June is Rotary Fellowships Month![]() June is designated Rotary Fellowships Month to recognize the importance of international fellowship and goodwill among Rotarians with similar recreational and vocational interests, promote increased participation in fellowships, and increase understanding of this program. |
Zones 30 & 31 Conference - Chattanooga, Tn.![]() Governor line training Sept. 27-29, 2022 - Conference dates are Sept. 29, - October 2, 2022.
June 15th Deadline: District 5830 Matching Points CampaignMatching Points Campaign Update - It is not too late to double your money! As of May 26th the totals for the matching points campaign are over 21K for the Annual Fund and 15K for Polio Plus. The opportunity will continue thru June 30, but for donations to be included in the year end report for each club and the district we suggest that all donations be processed by 6/15. |
DG Mike's June 2022 Newsletter![]() Paul Harris once wrote, “The foundation upon which Rotary is built is friendship, on no less firm foundation could it have stood.” As I write this, Andrea and I just came back from Memphis, TN where I attended Zone training to be a regional Rotary leader. We made new friends and created new relationships which we both look forward to enjoying and using to do the good work of Rotary. While in Memphis, I made the comment to our group that Rotary is all about relationships at every level of our organization – with these relationships we make things happen to better our world. |
Life Saving Campaign![]() The best example of addressing immediate needs is the outpouring of donations for the Ukraine refugees. The Disaster Relief Fund has received over $10.4 million for this purpose. Every district in our two zones has participated. |
Heart of America Zones 30 & 31 Training![]() |
DG Mike Groom's May NewsletterMay is Youth Service Month ![]() |
May 2022 is Youth Service Month![]() |
District 5830 ENGAGEMENT initiative!! April 1 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2022!!![]() District 5830 will give $100 to the first 15 clubs that can forward receipts and a short description of a CLUB ENGAGEMENT activity they hold from APRIL 1 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2022!!
Top three Foundation Giving Clubs ranked Per Capita Giving![]() During the District Foundation Banquet, PDG Ted Huffhines congratulated the following Rotary D-5830 Giving Clubs ranked by per capital Giving. President Hannah Luce - Marshall RC received the 1st Place President Mitchell Hancock - Kilgore RC received 2nd Place President Sil Gomez - Texarkana International RC received 3rd Place Go to the D-5830 Website Photo Album see all the event pictures. |
DG Mike Groom's April 2022 Newsletter![]() |
District Governor of the Year AwardDistrict 5830 is blessed to have extraordinary caring and supportive leadership from the club level through the Past District Governors and Governors Line.
Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service |
March is Water and Sanitation Month![]() When people have access to clean water and sanitation, waterborne diseases decrease, children stay healthier and attend school more regularly, and mother can spend less time carrying water and more time helping their families. Through water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programs, Rotary's people of action mobilize resources, form partnerships, and invest in infrastructure and training that yield long-term change. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Register Now: 2022 Foundation Banquet-March 19, 2022![]() |
February Membership Minute![]() February is the month of Valentines...the month of hearts, flowers, chocolates and LOVE!! Rotarians also show their LOVE of their community by providing many needed service projects. Lone Star PETS, at the end of February, is really about LOVING your community and your Rotary club. Sure, PETS prepares PE's to lead their clubs and deepen their understanding of Rotary, but it is much more. |
DG Mike's February Newsletter![]() |
February is Peace and Conflict Resolution MonthToday, over 70 million people are displaced as a result of conflict, violence, persecution, and human rights violations. Half of them are children.
Membership Minute January 2022![]() It’s SOOOO easy to GROW your club….just set a GOAL and encourage each member to introduce one guest to Rotary—per month or per quarter—you WILL grow!!! What is your club’s WHY?
What is your club’s HOW? |
Houston RI Convention UpdateJune 4 to June 8, 2022 It has been confirmed that the 2022 Rotary International Convention will be an in-person event in Houston, Texas, USA.
DGE Carolyn Invites PEs/PNs to Lone Star PETS![]() REGISTER NOW at and hotel rooms in the discounted room block are filling fast. |
January is Vocational Service Month![]() Through vocational service we: •Serve others by using our unique skills to address community needs •Empower others through training and skill development •Inspire others to act with integrity by following Rotary’s guiding principles ON VOCATIONAL SERVICE
DG Mike's January 2022 Newsletter![]() |
December Membership Minute by PDG Lee Montgomery![]() As we approach the end of year holidays many clubs will have special programs of music, entertainment and other socials. Invite friends, family members and co-workers to enjoy the FUN and fellowship of Rotary. Hey, it’s a “perfect pairing”!! Congratulations to our 24 clubs that have had POSITIVE GROWTH so far this year!! Your district has grown from 1447 members on July 1st to 1500 members at the end of November. A birdie told me today that Pittsburg add 4 new members today! |
DG Mike Groom December Newsletter![]() |
December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month![]() |
November Membership Minute![]() Would you like to ENERGIZE your club and find the FORCE to attract new members? Suggest you contact Sam Scroggins, our Visioning coordinator. |
How to become a District Visioning Facilitator.![]() |
International Service Newsletter![]() |
Marshall Rotary Club’s New VenuePictured: Marshall Rotary Club President Hannah Luce. |
Important message about Lone Star PETS from DGE Carolyn Franks!
DG Mike Groom November Newsletter![]() |
November is Rotary Foundation Month![]() "We can all make a difference in the lives of others in need, because it is the most simple of gestures that make the most significant of differences." Miya Yamanouchi With your help, we can end polio for good. Click here for the "Countdown to the History of Polio." |
2020-2021 District 5830 Conference![]() |
Membership Minute![]() Our District membership numbers are up!! RI reports are pending, so I will give you numbers later.Why do members often leave Rotary? A BIG reason is lack of involvement…they don’t feel a sense of purpose. Does your club have an ENGAGEMENT plan?? Hand in hand with getting a new member is getting them involved quickly. Are they assigned to a Service Project? A Fund Raiser? How about being a greeter for a month to get to meet other members? Attend a board meeting? |
DG Mike's October 2021 Newsletter![]() |
Announcing Jeff Johnston as DGND![]() Pursuant to the District’s Bylaws, specifically Article II – District 5830 Committees, the Nomination of Jeff Johnston was held until September 30th to permit any challenges or re-nominations. No challenges or re-nominations have been received so the nomination was final at midnight on September 30, 2021. |
October is Economic and Community Development Month![]() |
Register Now for District 5830 VIRTUAL District Conference
Our 5830 District Conference on October 16th is a chance to learn, grow, and experience the joy you have given to others this past year. Click Here Now to Sign Up and send in your $25 and kick back for an enjoyable ½ day of learning and interaction with friends. Find out about our new initiatives in Guatemala and Mexico. Celebrate with us as we announce the Club and Rotarian of the 2020-2021 Year. And, learn about the difference you (each and everyone of you) have made with your prayers, presence, gifts and action this pandemic year. IPDG Jack Welge, District Conference Chair |
Membership MinuteCongratulations on Club Growth!!! ![]() The Rotary Clubs of Winnsboro and Henderson led the way for the first two months in member growth! Winnsboro grew by 75%, adding 6 new members. Henderson grew by 64% adding 14 new members from their club’s membership growth plan mentioned last month. Other new members are in the pipeline. As a District, 18 clubs have had growth since July 1!!! Many held steady. Only about 10 clubs saw slight decreases. Overall the District grew from 1,447 to 1,482. |
September is Basic Education and Literacy Month!![]() Rotary supports activities and training to improve education for all children and literacy for children and adults... The Rotary Foundation enables Rotarian's to ensure that all people have sustainable access to basic education and literacy by: |
DG Mike's September Newsletter![]() |
Welcome To Rotary International District 5830!Are you a Business or Professional leader in your community, seeking to make a difference in the world around you? Rotarians are passionate people driven by the ideal of service. As a part of Rotary, you get to network with and give back to communities around the globe. District 5830 is made up of 41 clubs and approximately 1400 members across NE Texas, SE Oklahoma, and SW Arkansas. |
Why is Facilitated Club Visioning important?![]() South Tyler President, Beth Blaisdell said, “Our club visioning workshop helped us collaborate as a team to define our direction and goals for the next several years. The visioning team of 15 reported to our club members at our weekly meeting, sharing our vision results. The enthusiasm and commitment from our club has South Tyler Rotary on a very positive path for community service.” According to District 5830 Visioning Chair, Sam Scoggins, there are three measures of success for club's that complete a Vision. (Click on read more for details) |
PDG Shirley Griffin honored!![]() |
Aaron's Well (Global Service Project)![]() The Mateka Children’s Home Water Well is known as Arron’s Well, in Memoriam of Rotarian and former President Aaron Lemmon of Athens, TX and President Elect of Prosper, TX. Aaron passed away in January. Aaron and Damon Donnell, at the time, PE of Athens Rotary discussed partnering in late 2020 to form an international service project to drill water wells in Kenya as one of Rotary core focus areas: Clean Water and Sanitation. |
Announcing Jeff Johnston as DGNDMessage from DG Mike Groom and Chair of the District 5830 Nominating Committee, IPDG Jack Welge ![]() Pursuant to the District’s Bylaws, specifically Article II – District 5830 Committees, the Nomination of Jeff Johnston will be held until September 30th to permit any challenges or re-nominations and will thereafter become final at midnight on September 30, 2021. |
Honoring PDG Carroll Fletcher![]() District Rotarians remembering PDG Carroll as an Outstanding Leader and Friend. |
DG Mike's August Newsletter![]() After having officially visited nine of our clubs in the month of July, my faith, not only in Rotary but also humankind, has been revitalized. There are so many good, good people in this organization who I have had the pleasure to meet and so many more that I look forward to meeting. Click below "Read More" for DG Mike's complete newsletter.
Successful Membership Initiative![]() |
District 5830 Polio Posse Fundraising Campaign![]() |
Invitation to Club Visioning![]() District Governor Groom, who is himself a trained and experienced Facilitator, is encouraging all District 5830 Clubs to conduct a Visioning Event over the coming year. To do so, please contact the District 5830 Visioning Chair, Sam Scroggins, via email at |
Congratulation to PDG Tom DeWittThe Citation for Meritorious Service recognizes individual Rotarians who have demonstrated outstanding, continuing active service to The Rotary Foundation for more than one year. Examples are: •Service on Foundation committees at the club, district, or international level • Participation in Foundation grants or programs •Support of Ambassadorial Scholars, Rotary Peace Fellows, Group Study Exchange teams, or vocational training teams. (Financial contributions, however notable, are not relevant considerations.) |
Congratulation Shalonda Adams and PDG Carroll Greenwaldt![]() |
DG Mike's July Newsletter![]() Our theme for the new year given to us by Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta is “Serve to Change Lives”. What an appropriate theme for this moment in time – it gives us inspiration and hope as we carry our Rotary banner forward. |
Membership Minute July 2021![]() “HOW TO DOUBLE YOUR CLUB IN 60 MINUTES OR LESS” is the title of Henderson’s PE David Higgs’ pamphlet. My take: How a 20 member club added 20+ members in one fell swoop. At the District Assembly, PE David was inspired to grow his club and took that opportunity to rope in co-conspirators PDG John Henson and PDG Carroll Greenwaldt. They planned and printed invitations for members to hand out to a special meeting, with the luncheon paid by the club. Their officer installation on June 17th was their special meeting, but you can use any meeting for this invitation. The goal was for each member to invite at least 5 guests that would make good members. |
Congratulation to PDG John Jetter![]() Briefly the award recognizes those who have demonstrated exemplary service to the Rotary Foundation and have received the Citation for Meritorious Service at least 4 years prior. On R I Awards requiring 11 areas of achievement, John is in the rarefied air of having achieved more than that required and more than the proposal for the award would allow. Pictured left to right: IPDG Jack Welge, PDG John Jetter, and Freida Jetter
2021-2022 District Governor Mike and Andrea Groom![]() Mike has served as President of the Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake twice and in his second term, the Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake was awarded the Bill Campbell Award as the most outstanding club in District 5830. Mike joined the Rotary International in 1988 He joined Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake in 1997 and has served in virtually every role in his club. Mike is a RI Foundation Major Donor, member of the Paul Harris Society and a Rotary Foundation Benefactor. Mike believes in community service and has served as a director in the North Houston Greenspoint Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake, Cedar Creek Non-Profit Housing, Inc. (Genesis Center), Henderson County HELP Center, the Henderson County Library and as a Trustee of the Presbyterian Hospital of Kaufman. He has also served as an officer and committee member for a number of community organizations. Mike and Andrea enjoy travelling, salt-water fishing, hunting in the Texas hill country, ranching and rooting for the Texas Longhorns. |
July is Leadership Month |
Introducing 2021-2022 District Governor Mike and Andrea Groom![]() Mike has served as President of the Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake twice and in his second term, the Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake was awarded the Bill Campbell Award as the most outstanding club in District 5830. Mike joined the Rotary International in 1988. He joined Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake in 1997 and has served in virtually every role in his club. Mike is a RI Foundation Major Donor, member of the Paul Harris Society and a Rotary Foundation Benefactor. Mike believes in community service and has served as a director in the North Houston Greenspoint Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake, Cedar Creek Non-Profit Housing, Inc. (Genesis Center), Henderson County HELP Center, the Henderson County Library and as a Trustee of the Presbyterian Hospital of Kaufman. He has also served as an officer and committee member for a number of community organizations. Mike enjoys travelling, salt-water fishing, hunting in the Texas hill country, ranching and rooting for the Texas Longhorns. |
Disaster Relief
Register Now- District Officers Installation![]() Mill Creek Ranch Resort in Historic Canton Texas 1880 N Trade Days Blvd. ![]() ![]() PDG Robert Thompson- Keynote Speaker and Installer |
Membership Minute![]() Rotary New Year’s Celebrations are COMING!!! All our 43 clubs in Rotary District 5830 will be saying “Hail and Farewell” as they honor outgoing club presidents and incoming presidents this month. It is our ROTARY NEW YEAR’S!! So, here are a couple of tips to for the Incoming Presidents and Membership Chairs. |
DG Jack's June Newsletter![]() Famous author C. S. Lewis’ gave great advice! Thanks to our incredible 5830 membership and Leadership Team, we finished strong! We gave service to those in need through COVID Food Neediness Grants from The Rotary Foundation secured for us by IPDG Jim Finstrom and PDG Ted Huffhines; we gathered safely to pack and deliver food through Food Banks helped along by PDG Carroll Greenwaldt; we participated in both District and Global Grants and our Clubs continued service projects in their communities. When our Clubs were unable to meet in person, we conducted virtual meetings with many thanks to P.I. Dir. Sarah Fox and our dedicated group of Assistant Governors. Ava and I enjoyed visiting with all of you whenever and wherever we met.
The Rotary Foundation![]() |
Rotary Club of Longview, Texas Centennial +1![]() |
Welcome To Rotary International District 5830!Are you a Business or Professional leader in your community, seeking to make a difference in the world around you? August is membership and new club development month! ![]() Rotarians are passionate people driven by the ideal of service. As a part of Rotary, you get to network with and give back to communities around the globe. District 5830 is made up of 42 clubs and over 1500 members across NE Texas, SE Oklahoma, and SW Arkansas. |
4-Way Test Speech Contest Winners![]() Congratulations to the winners of the Rotary District 5830 Four-Way Test Speech Contest that was held in Mt. Pleasant, TX on April 10, 2021. This year's theme was: How does Rotary Open Opportunities with the Rotary 4-Way Test? The top three presenters were awarded $1,000, $750, and $500, respectively. A big "Thank You" goes to Amy Hinton, District 5830 4-Way Test Contest Chairman, for organizing the event. We also appreciate Mt. Pleasant Rotary Club for sponsoring this event for the last few years. Additional "Thanks" goes to Judd Marshall, Bobby Rice, and Larry Cannaday, members of Mt. Pleasant Rotary Club who assisted on the day of the event. Pictured from left to right: DG Jack Welge; Ethan Jones, Longview High School, First Place; Kace Murphy, Kilgore High School, Second Place; and Taryn Thurman, Mt. Pleasant High School, Third Place.
Carthage Rotary Club at work in Their Community![]() On April 24, 2021, they helped orchestrate "Tunes & Tails" a Crawfish Boil and Live Music outside The Esquire Theater. The purpose of that event was to help save Carthage “local arts”.
21-22 District 5830 Training AssemblyRoundtable Panel Discussion - Rotary Leadership ![]() Our District Training Assembly was held May 1st at First United Methodist Church in Longview, Texas. Our 68 attendees were enthusiastic and attentive. DGE Mike Groom expresses his sincere thanks to all of our attendees and our volunteers who made this a very successful event. The roundtable discussion and breakouts were engaging, as shown by the questions posed by Rotarians in attendance. Pictured left to right: DG Jack Welge, DGN Carolyn Franks, PDG Judy Guthrie, PDG Lee Montgomery, IPDG Jim Finstrom, PDG Carroll Greenwaldt, and DGE Mike Groom |
May Membership Moment![]() April showers bring May flowers--COVID closedowns bring Rotary renewals! More clubs are opening in-person attendance. Thank goodness! Rotarians, please have your RYLA campers and PARENTS come to a Rotary meeting soon. DGND Karen Maines, an 14-year RYLA leader, reported to the District Training Assembly on the recently completed VIRTUAL RYLA (Part 1). The campers met online and had a great time. By all accounts, they are pumped and can't wait for the live experience this fall. So, NOW is the time to strike while the enthusiasm is high. The parents should be invited to join Rotary!!! Consider having your club pay their first semi-annual dues (giving them 6 months free (trial) membership!) so they can learn what Rotary is all about and especially how we support youth programs like the one their child is enjoying. |
PDG Carroll Greenwaldt Receives "Service Above Self Award"![]() DG Jack Welge presented the award at D5830's Training Conference on May 1, 2021. Rotary's highest honor recognizes Rotarians who demonstrate Rotary's motto, Service Above Self, by volunteering their time and talents to help others. The award is internationally competitive and is granted to no more than 150 Rotarians worldwide each year. Pictured: Mary Greenwaldt, PDG Carroll Greenwaldt and DG Jack Welge
Past District Governors, District Governor and GLine![]() Back Row: PDG Lee Montgomery, PDG Carroll Greenwaldt, PDG Ted Huffhines, PDG John Henson, IPDG Jim Finstrom & PDG Phil Bandel. Front Row: PDG Judy Guthrie, PDG Shirley Griffin, PDG John Jetter, and PDG Tom DeWitt ![]() Back Row: PDG Lee Montgomery, DGND Karen Maines, PDG Ted Huffhines, PDG John Henson, IPDG Jim Finstrom, PDG Phil Bandel Middle Row: PDG Carroll Greenwaldt, PDG Judy Guthrie, PDG Shirley Griffin, PDG John Jetter, PDG Tom DeWitt, DGN Carolyn Franks Front Row: DG Jack Welge and DGE Mike Groom The Governor’ s Advisory Committee, also known in R.I. as the Council of Governors, is made up of all active past R.I. officers in the district. The committee meets as often as determined by the Governor, with the suggestion that there be at least two formal meetings in the year. The Council of Governors serve as advisors.
Clarksville Rotary Club's Celebration Makes the Local News![]() Community Center. Shown in the photo are from left: Rob Rowley, Talisha Alsup, Rotary District Governor Jack Welge, Catana Yarnell and Mickey Allen. ![]() |
Register now for Rotary Club of Tyler CentennialThis is a Special Invitation from Tyler Rotary Club for their Centennial Celebration June 5, 2021! Register from the following link: The Rotary Club of Tyler - Centennial Celebration RSVP Date: June 5, 2021 Time: 5:30 pm - Reception ($75)/6:30 pm - Dinner ($50) Venue: Hollytree Country Club, 6700 Hollytree Drive, Tyler, Texas 75703 Entertainment: UT Tyler's Jazz Ensemble Entrée Choices: (a) Prime Rib or (b) Pecan Crusted Salmon Reception Cost: $75.00 per person with Rotary International Director Suzi Howe (Starts at 5:30 pm) Dinner Cost: $50.00 per person (Starts at 6:30 pm) Please contact Holly Lewis at (903) 714-4472 or to prepay by May 27, 2021. Call Holly Lewis with credit card information or send checks payable to: Rotary Club of Tyler PO Box 131444 Tyler, TX 75713 |
DG Jack's May Newsletter
You have all impressed me and our District Team by the work done through your Clubs in each of your communities, but it is now urgent that you record your service and the goals you have achieved in Rotary Club Central. If you do not, it is as though it never happened. Remember President Holger Knaack’s goal was to have all clubs be Citation Clubs. Most, if not all, 5830 Clubs should now qualify. |
The Rotary Foundation![]() The last two months of the Rotary year are always jammed with activity. District Training Assemblies, District Conferences, Club Fundraisers, New Governor Installations, and just as importantly, sending in your Club and Personal Donations to The Rotary Foundation before June 30th! Every year, your District Foundation team works diligently to remind Club Presidents and Club Foundation Chairs to make their donations. This is the time for Clubs to make sure each member donates so the Club will be an EREY Club - Every Rotarian, Every Year. This is a distinction that receives recognition from TRF and is a worthy goal for every club. It requires a $25 or more donation to the Annual Fund from each member. The longtime goal for all Rotary Clubs is to be a Sustaining Club: $100 per capita. We have a large number of Clubs who accomplish this goal every year. Many clubs have done this for many years.
Rotary Club of Bullard Sporting Clays Shoot![]() |
District Happenings (Link to District Facebook Page)District 5830 Rotary Clubs are doing great work in their communities. Click Here to go to the Rotary International District 5830 Facebook Page to see what is happening in our district!
2021 Rotary Virtual ConventionRegister Now for the 2021 Virtual Convention! Standard price tickets are available for $65 from May 8th through June 16th. |
Membership Minute April 2021—APRIL SHOWERS!![]() It looks like more folks are able to get the various Covid19 vaccines and we will soon be getting back to “normal”, or truly a “NEW normal”. Be ready to capitalize on the OPPORTUNITY to REOPEN your Rotary club. Not sure how to make that happen??—get Membership MOTIVATION by doing a QUICK CHECK of, then MyRotary, Learning & Reference Tab/Learn by Topic, then Membership. Read more for the 3 EASY steps that you’ll LOVE!
April 2021 Message from DG Jack![]() And now we have just what we need in time to truly make a great contribution, vaccines and States open for business. You can sense the mood change! The Sporting Clays Fundraiser by Texarkana Sunrise last Friday was fun, well attended and raised plenty of money for reinvestment in the Texarkana and Nash communities. Its success is followed by the District 4 -way Speech Contest in Mt. Pleasant, Bullard’s 1st Annual Sporting Clay’s Event, Longview-Greggton’s PRCA Rodeo, South Tyler’s Reed Franklin Spaghetti Supper, and our District PolioPlus “Fun” Raiser on May 22nd at Rowdy Ranch in Gilmer. Come out, have fun, support Rotary, the Foundation, PolioPlus, and your communities. See you there! |
Register Now: PolioPlus "Fun" Raiser |
Matching Points Campaign on April 1st![]() Your generous support helped fund over $300 M in grants during 2019-2020. These grants provide for literacy and education, build local economies, fight disease, save mothers and children, promote peace, and provide clean water. Most of the time these grants help people you and I will never meet, but they also provide coats and shoes for local school children, build parks, provide food to the food insecure, send kids to RYLA, and provide college scholarships in communities across our district. Please be generous in your support for the Annual Fund and Polio Plus. You are making a difference! |
Save The Date: Saturday, May 1st : District 5830 Training Assembly![]() |
Why Rotary![]() Take just a minute and ask yourself why you joined Rotary? Most of us come back with “I was asked”. But why did you respond? Or why did you pursue asking about Rotary until you were proposed for membership? What makes you and all Rotarians so different and driven to perform service? The reason this is so important relates to membership and the sustainability of our organization. If we can not describe why we are here, we are also at a loss to tell others why they should join. And it goes further. If we can not explain why we joined and what makes us who we are, we may also be much less likely to stay, and to support The Rotary Foundation, which is the chief engine driving the global work we perform. |
Details on the Matching Points Campaign April 1st through June 1st![]() District 5830 was NUMBER ONE in Per Capita Giving and in Polio Plus Giving for 2019-2020! This District and our Rotarians have stepped up and generously supported our Foundation and its programs even during the challenges of the pandemic. This has helped maintain a strong trend that has been in place for several years, and WE NEED IT TO CONTINUE! District Foundation team will be holding a Matching Points Campaign from April 1st through June 1st |
John Germ, Foundation Celebration Keynote Speaker
Membership Minute![]() Be A Vibrant Club (Calling all leaders!) This is the title of one of the best pamphlets that Rotary has produced in recent times. It’s short, to the point and packed with great ideas! Soon, President Elects will be in the first virtual Lone Star PETS and will discuss how their club can be a VIBRANT CLUB. Among many characteristics of a vibrant club, MEMBERSHIP GROWTH is probably the BEST indicator of VIBRANCY. Are your club members “sold” on Rotary? Do members not only accept but BELIEVE in Rotary’s ability to open new opportunities by networking/connecting with other individuals, clubs and districts for doing service? Do they support The Rotary Foundation? Are the members SOLD on YOUR CLUB as THE place for fellowship, meeting community leaders, and growing personally and professionally? |
February Membership Minute
Pine Tree High School Club Collects Items for COVID-19 Patients, Nurses![]() Photo by Michael Cavazos |
2022 Convention will be held---HOUSTON, TEXAS!!!!![]() Message from Rotary District 5830 International Convention Chair, PDG John Henson I am sure that all of you have heard by now that the 2021 Taipei Convention has been changed to a Virtual Convention due to the ongoing challenge with the Covid-19 situation. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION. “RI will refund Convention Registrations and Hotel Deposits will be returned, so relax and wait for the news.” The 2022 convention will be held---HOUSTON, TEXAS! |
RYLA 2021 Goes Hybrid![]() If you would like to join the RYLA staff, please apply online (even if you already did earlier this year) at Questions can be directed to our operations team at
RI Convention is now Virtual![]() Message from District 5830 RI Convention Chair, PDG John Henson It gives me some sadness to report out Taipei Convention will now be virtual. For those of you who looked forward to journeying with Rotary to explore the world and opportunities for Friendship, Fellowship, and Service in the warm hospitality of Taipei, to experience the diverse cultures represented there as Rotarians worldwide gathered, we will need to wait a bit. Next year is the Houston R. I. Convention, and it is followed by Melbourne, Australia.
PETS Registration Deadline |
Rotary Voices |
Register for Foundation Celebration 2021: Deadline Feb. 4 |
New Year's DG Message![]() This pointed message from the Convention Speech of Rotary International President Richard L. Evans (1966-67) returned me to reality. You can find reference to it in the August, 1966 The Rotarian, An International Magazine. In preparing for this month, and the new year, and the rest of our 2020-21 Rotary Year, I was drawn back to PRIP Richard Evans remarks from the Niece Rotary Convention: "It sometimes seems that we live as if we wondered when life was going to begin. It isn’t always clear just what we are waiting for but some of us sometimes persist in waiting so long that life just slips by finding us still waiting for something that has been going on all the time. There is no reason to doubt good intentions, but when in the world are we going to begin to live as if we understood that this is it. This is life. This is our time, our day, our generation, our one chance to do something for someone else. …What in the world are we waiting for?" "This is all we've got." PRIP Richard L Evans (1966-67) Speech to RI Convention in Nice, France. The message is still accurate, on point, and sums up our current condition. |
Membership Minute January 2021Good bye, 2020! Hello, 2021! ![]() Time for 2021 Resolutions, and from where I perch, my observations and thoughts turn to engagement, retention and flexible meetings. We have lost a number of good Rotarians since July 1, however some clubs have gained membership. Clubs holding onto and growing members are still in service to their community and giving members a purpose for staying with Rotary. If members feel they are wanted, needed and have a purpose, they will stay connected.
District 5830 Visioning 2021![]()
RI and DG Welge are not asking Club’s to do something that they have not done themselves: RI’s Vision Statement reads “Together we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.” The District’s Vision is “District 5830 Leaders promote the Core Values of Service, Fellowship, Diversity, Integrity, and Leadership, resulting in Rotary Clubs that are Growing, Vibrant and Engaged; filled with Rotarians passionate about Service.” |
PDG James "Jim" Fitzgerald
Jim was born on Monday, October 12, 1936 in Stamford, TX to Ennis and Mary (Lawrence) Fitzgerald. From an early age he was fascinated and loved working with machinery and tools. By the age of 8, he spent his free time learning the skills of carpentry alongside his father. At Abilene High School (in Abilene, TX), he was active in Track & Field and shop. But it was the sassy personality of a certain young red head, by the name of Georganna Lee, that caught his eye and captured his heart. The couple spent many 'dates' riding his Triumph Trophy motorcycle along the open roads of Abilene. On November 24, 1954 Jim and his High School sweetheart, Georganna Lee were married. It was a quintessentially warm and sunny Texas day. Together, they raised three wonderful children: David, Kenneth, and Melody. Life was busy with a young family to support. During the day, while Georganna managed the children and the household, Jim was busy at Bell Helicopter fabricating parts. The evenings were filled with night school at the University of Texas at Arlington. In 1968 he received his BA degree. |
The Rotary Foundation & Charity Navigator
The Foundation earned the recognition for demonstrating both strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. Only one percent of the organizations Charity Navigator evaluates have received 12 consecutive 4-star evaluations. "Attaining a 4-star rating verifies that The Rotary Foundation exceeds industry standards and outperforms most charities in your area of work", says Michael Thatcher, president and chief executive officer of Charity Navigator. "This exceptional designation sets the Foundation apart from its peers and demonstrates to the public its trustworthiness." The rating reflects Charity Navigator's assessment of how the Foundation uses donations, sustains its programs and services, and practices good governance and openness. |
Dec 4, 2020 Current Events![]() District 5830 has been hard at work!! Find out what has been going on in "The Action District." Click here to submit your latest club fundraiser, event, or service project. Highlights
Message from DG Jack![]() As we dodge around COVID-19 with PPEs and full social distancing, it’s important to not forget meaningful family and Club traditions surrounding Christmas, most especially increasing joy in those around you. This is a time to remember angel tree giving, Coats for Kids (even if you missed the original drive before Thanksgiving), bicycle assembly, and gifts from clubs, charitable organizations, or just anonymously from you. One of the most meaningful Christmas gifts Ava and I gave were the 2 bicycles we purchased for some of her students back when she was working for Longview ISD. The kids' moms were really surprised, and we swore them to secrecy, but I can only imagine the joy when Christmas morning arrived. |
Four Way Test Speech Contest and Theme![]() 2020-2021 Theme How does Rotary Open Opportunities with the 4-Way Test? Rotary District 5830 Four - Way Test Speech Contest will be held Saturday, April 10, 2021 at Mt. Pleasant Independent School District, 2230 North Edwards, Mt. Pleasant, Tx. A big " Thank You" goes out to Amy Hinton with Mt. Pleasant Rotary Club for chairing the event again this year. |
2025 All Fore Kids Rotary Club Golf Tournament | May 24, 2025 (SAVE THE DATE) | Wills Point Rotary Club |
Congratulations DGND Karen Maines!
Sept 30, 2020 Current Events
District 5830 Iron Lung
Plan Ahead For World Polio Day
Message from DG Jack
Remember that October is Economic and Community Development Month, October 5 -11 is Rotary Alumni Reconnect Week, and October 24th is World Polio Day. That’s a lot for one month, but it underscores what we can do to change lives when we come together in friendship, fellowship, and service.
Ava and I have now seen over half of our District clubs. We are grateful for the opportunity to share our vision of Rotary, a combination of old and new, where we continue to honor traditions such as perfect attendance yet embrace E-Clubs and Satellite Clubs and other new club models coming together to open opportunities.
October 31, 2020 District 5830 Conference Update
Economic and Community Development Month
Nearly 800 million people live on less than $1.90 a day. Rotary members are passionate about providing sustainable solutions to poverty.
Sept 1, 2020 Current Events
PDG "One O'Clock" John Childs Exemplified "Service Above Self"
Emerging Rotary Leaders Seminar
As in past years, we encourage you to include members from your District at the EMERGING ROTARY LEADERS SEMINAR. This year this event will be virtual providing a no cost option for those Rotarians considering serving as Governor in the future. Even though there is limited space, please invite up to ten (10) Rotarians from your district.
The Emerging Rotary Leaders Seminar is designed to provide potential leaders in Rotary with a forum to learn about leadership at the district level and beyond and to consider their options for future service including information on serving as District Governor. ERL Seminar participants will gain insights from some of the most effective leaders in Rotary International in an interactive, engaging format that includes networking, idea sharing, Q & A and mentoring with Past District Governors from across Zones 30 and 31.
The event will be held in two (2) sessions on Friday, September 25, 2020 from 2pm till 4pm and Saturday, September 26, 2020 from 9am till 11 am Central Standard Time. Please email Megan Law to register. After registering you will receive the Zoom login for both sessions a few days before the event.
Please contact Ed Hardesty or Megan Law with questions.
Rotary Foundation at Work in our Communties
Membership Minute
Together We Fund Projects
"Save the Date" October 31, 2020 District 5830 District Virtual Conference:
Basic Education and Literacy Month
Announcing Karen Maines as DGND
Message from DG Jack
Public Image: Staying Connected and Remaining Active
Looking Ahead to Visioning 2.0
Rotary International Disaster Grant Approved!
July 30, 2020 Current Events
Nuts and Bolts of Managing a “Hybrid” Rotary Meeting
August is Membership Month
August is Membership Month, which means it’s time to celebrate your Rotary club, your members, and the good you do in your community and around the world.
Jefferson Rotary Club at Work
Improved Rotary Club Central
Message from DG Jack
"It isn’t always clear just what we are waiting for but some of us sometimes persist in waiting so long that life just slips by finding us still waiting for something that has been going on all the time."
Join us in the 2020 Series Empowering Women in Rotary
Tips on viewing information on the District Website
Membership Minute
Important Notification: Accepting applications for the District Governor Designee
District 5830 Installation of Officers Brunch
TXK Sunrise Installation & Celebration
Introduction of Sarah Fox - District 5830 Public Image and Social Media Chair
What are you doing next June 12-16, 2021?
2020-2021 Athens Rotary Club Board Members
Act Fast! Book in the Official Housing Block for Rotary 2021
If you haven't booked already, reserve a room in the official Rotary Housing Block! Act fast to book one of the best hotel rooms in Taipei, Taiwan's capital city. | |||||||||
Tyler Sunrise Rotary Club Year End Celebration